Monday, August 6, 2012


Ok. Ok. So I didn't put much thought into the title, but this blog is mostly for me anyway. I wanted a place to keep all the recipes I have tried and loved, as well as some I have yet to try. I have a recipe book, but I tend to only go there for recipes my mom or grandma made when I was growing up. For most everything else, I turn to the internet. When I finally gave into Pinterest I started saving most recipes there. But sometimes I come across something that can't be pinned and I just don't know what to do. For a while I had GoogleDocs and folders on my desk top full of recipes. Right now it's just a mess. With all my things in a million different places I decided it was time to make a choice. So, I turned to blogging. It's something I already love and understand, so I'm hoping it works out!

I've thought about a million different ways to organize this so that is more reader friendly. But then I decided to make this mostly for myself. I will simply post what I want to keep track of and add some tags so that I can find it later. If you've come across this blog, you're more than welcome to try some things and leave comments to let me know what you think! That will help me from having to make everything on my own!

This intro has been all over the place, so unlike me. Forgive my post-baby brain (I swear it's not the same anymore!) and simply enjoy. I know I will!

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